The Midnight Man is an independent crime-thriller film starring Will Kemp, Brinna Kelly, William Forsythe, Brent Spiner, Doug Jones, Vinnie Jones, Steve Valentine, Max Adler, and William Miller. Brinna Kelly quite possibly produced and co-wrote, along with representative D.C. Hamilton. It will be announced to DVD and Digital by Cinedigm on March 1, 2016.
The Midnight Man (2016)
The Midnight Man is an independent crime-thriller film starring Will Kemp, Brinna Kelly, William Forsythe, Brent Spiner, Doug Jones, Vinnie Jones, Steve Valentine, Max Adler, and William Miller. Brinna Kelly quite possibly produced and co-wrote, along with representative D.C. Hamilton. It will be announced to DVD and Digital by Cinedigm on March 1, 2016.