Mojin: The Lost Legend (previously titled Your Ghouls) (English: Touching Gold: The Missing Legend) is a 2015 Chinese adventure fantasy thriller film based in the novel Ghost Blows Out some of the Light. It was directed by Wuershan and produced by Chen Kuo-Fu. The film was released on December 18, 2015.
At the beginning of the 1990s, famous tomb ie Hu Bayi, Wang Kaixuan and Hu's fiance Shirley Yang decided to move to Manhattan. Yet unfortunately before his wedding, Bayi discovers it's first love Indent Sitian, who offered supposedly died approximately years ago, has always been actually still to life. They're lured before to their one of a kind vocation by that you simply mysterious, businesswoman/cult leader Ying Caihong whom wants them in the market to find the historic tomb of a new Mongolian princess. That they eventually learn that what she truly wants is returning to possess a well known artifact known on the grounds that the Equinox Elevated that allegedly also has the power for you to raise the expired.